Well, Phil is off to Montreat, NC for his pastor's under 40 conference. I have confiscated his laptop (of course I need 3 computers - one to listen to Pandora, one to leave open to Facebook and Twitter, and one to get some work done), and figured I would add to his blog with my own "musings" while he is gone!
Phil arrived safely this morning and gave me a wake-up call at 6:30 am. Which was good because the sitter was coming at 7 for me to take the dogs for a walk and get my own exercise this week. His trip went well with a brief hiccup and 5 hour stay in the Salt Lake Airport. He says it is beautiful in NC with all the blooming bushes. He says "It smells here!" Which means that coming from an arid climate where smells are free to travel and move, he notices the humid climate and broadleaf trees that trap the rhodi and azaela bushes blooms and their scents in one place. I'm not sure if he thinks it is a bad thing or not. He is looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. Several of my friends on Twitter and FB are there, so I have asked them to lookout and place nice with Phil this week. We'll see if they follow through.
Eric and I have had a good day so far (just 3 pm, so a lot could still happen!). Eric went to VBS at the Baptist church this morning and had a great time. He wasn't too sure at first, but when I picked him up he was very excited. We had lunch in the park with the free lunch program from the school. It was full of kids and Eric enjoyed it all, but not quite the pb&j. Then I got the lawn mowed, Eric played with Lego's and all is well with the world.
For the last hour I have been listening to The God Complex Rado (2 leaders in the PCUSA have a weekly web-show). Today's topic is abstinence and purity pledges. Some interesting tips for when we have those conversations with Eric. The show airs on Mondays at 10 am MST. Check it out at www.godcomplexradio.com
Well, we are off to Candy Cane park for the Christian Nurture meeting & ice cream. Hope you are all having a great day and maybe I won't take up so much space next time!