The two words of this post sum up what I think is going on in the Healthcare debates. That is, for those on the right there is a pervailing perspective of social darwinism--survival of the fittest. What is interesting about this for me is that for so very long the right has been identified with the religious right and not just any religion at that but Christianity. Now as a Christian Pastor this is a really interesting thing to me, that is how is it that people who are so opposed to evolutionary darwinism are so ready to accept the precepts of social darwinism? I mean, if survival of the fittest is so off the mark when it comes to the origin of species then why is it o.k. when it comes to who gets care?
I don't know if others have thought about this, but it is something that comes up again and again for me. When someone with a severe pre-existing-condition is booed at a so called "town hall" meeting and those booing her are representing the right I wonder if they have ever really stopped and pondered their position. Sure, if they are atheisitic/agnostic right wing opponents of health care reform then fine. But what if they are religiously inspired right wing phanatics? What if the religion they believe informs their perspective is Christianity? How then does a survival of the fittest, socially, fit in with the Beatitudes, or with Jesus' response to the question "What is the greatest commantment?" If you don't know Jesus' response was love God and love neighbor.
So then what of those who oppose health care reform? I suppose if they simply oppose it on the basis of it costing too much or there are other priorities which face our nation then that makes sense. But what doesn't make sense to me is when people who claim allegiance to Jesus Christ heckle those less fortunate than themselves and say that they are doing so in the name of their religion. Because for me, that isn't Christianity. That isn't loving your neighbor, nor is it reflective of God's intentions for humanity.
Granted, I could be wrong, after all I'm only a pastor in a medium sized church in a small city in Souther Idaho. Who knows, what do I know? It just seems like an interesting perspective that those who seem so opposed to health care reform are also those who so readily embrace the proponents of the religious-right--those American Christians who are so vehemently opposed to evolutionary darwinism but who so willingly embrace a form of social darwinism.
Companions on the Inner Way: Day 6
8 years ago
Good point! It's amazing to me how often the rule of compassion must bow down to the power of economics in this country. As a Christian I must ask, how does that make sense?