Monday, February 2, 2009


What's a "flapper" well it's not something that you use to turn the lights on and off, that's for sure. A flapper is what Kathy and I purchased today at Lowes so that our master bath's toilet would work again.

Sometime last week while Kathy was gone and I was trying to hold on to sanity the toilet in our master bathroom stopped working. I went to flush and nothing happened and in the midst of everything else I just decided, "Oh Well" we have two other toilets so I'll just not worry about it. I know, I know, HOW GROSS! Well all I can say to that is that there really wasn't much to flush down so I just told Eric we couldn't use that bathroom.

So before Kathy came home I asked her over the phone, and at a safe distance, if she knew what to do. Thankfully she gently let me know that I should have simply gone out to Lowes when it broke, but that we'd tend to it Monday morning. I guess I put it off because I am so not Mr. Fix It. But with a little help from a guy in the plumbing department we found what we needed, paid a little over three dollars for it and by just rolling up my sleeves we once again have a third toilet that works!

I probably should have fixed it earlier, and even though a toilet is not rocket-science it was a whole new experience for me and thankfully when the mission was complete, both Eric and Kathy were there to clap and say congratulations.