WARNING: If you are offended by adult situations, questionable language or a pastor who reads something other than the Bible and Nonfiction, then you may not appreciate this post.
This past week, in spite of a pretty heavy load I was released of some of that burden by the wonders of author Christopher Moore in his latest novel, "Fool". If you have read anything by Moore you know that he is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to delve into his sick mind the laughter he dishes out is well worth the occasional (o.k. it is more than occasional) bit of offensive language.
"Fool" follows the story of King Lear's court jester through intrigue, jesting and a fair bit of promiscuous behavior. The novel is based very, and I mean VERY loosely on Shakespeare's play "King Lear". Actually, about the only thing that the novel has in common with Shakespeare is that some of the characters share the same names and titles as those that appear in the play as well as the setting being England sometime in the distant past. From there the novel takes off.
The lead character, the Black Fool a.k.a. Pocket, is a fantastic character. Throughout the novel the reader is endeared, repulsed, amazed, drawn to and shocked by what comes from his mind and heart or at least what Moore creates through him. If you are looking from an escape from the economic woes of today or of whether or not Obama can actually save anything, then I encourage you to pick up "Fool" or borrow it from me. But be forewarned, if you don't like foul language or reading about consenting adults doing what consenting adults will do from time to time then your best off being dragged down by one depressing news cycle after another. Cheery, isn't it?
Companions on the Inner Way: Day 6
8 years ago
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